Hayes & Finch
Hayes & Finch are one of the world’s finest manufacturers and suppliers of Church Supplies and Church Candles including Church Furnishings, Vestments, Communion Articles, Votive Candles, Votive Lights, Advent Candles. Plus, Paschal Candles, Altar Wines, Altar Breads & Religious Statues. They are also specialists in the production of high quality Ecclesiastical Furniture & Renovation of Church Plate.
Established in 1882, They are extremely proud of their 130 year heritage – manufacturing high quality candles & renovating silverware to the same exacting standards today, as they have done throughout their history.
Eastern Oil Church Supplies proudly offers the following items from Hayes & Finch:
- Clergy Shirts
- Vestments (Chasubles, Dalmatics, Stoles, Copes)
- Vestment Bags
- Cinctures
- Altar Linens
- Albs & Surplices
- Mass Kits
- Silver Flagons
- Thuribles and Boats
- Bells
- Altar Crosses
- Candle Sticks
- Monstances
- Glass wear
- Wooden items (hymn board, book stand)
- Prinknash Incense
- Metal Wear / Chalices

To Order:
- For questions about any item or to order please call us at (412) 221-2911. This website is just a sampling of the thousands of items we carry.
Related products:
- Please see the side panels for more products by category
- Please call or email us for specifics regarding any product as we do have have all our offerings on the website (we also ship throughout the United States of America).