Catholic Custom Vestments
We are thrilled to offer custom made vestments here at Eastern Oil Church Supplies (! Whether you are in need of a gift for a priest or deacon, a priest looking for something special to have in your collection or a diocese looking for vestments that will last, we have your needs covered.
We have vestments available in all liturgical colors and styles including the traditional Gothic style, roman/fiddleback style and the St. Philip Neri style (which include a stole, chalice veil, burse and maniple). We also have copes and beautiful dalmatics. Below are some examples of vestments made by our master seamstress and are also available for you to purchase (we also have some vestments on display in our showroom). Contact us to order a vestment on this page or to start designing a vestment uniquely your own.
To Order:
- For questions about any item or to order please call us at (412) 221-2911. This website is just a sampling of the thousands of items we carry.
Related products:
- Please see the side panels for more products by category
- Please call or email us for specifics regarding any product as we do have have all our offerings on the website (we also ship throughout the United States of America).